Selasa, 04 Januari 2011


Dated Released : 2010
Quality : BRRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Jessica Lowndes, Julianna Guill, Ryan Donowho
Genre : Horror | Mystery | Sci-Fi | Thriller
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The movie starts off with a scene of a family on a small plane talking to the pilot (later announced as Sara's mother.)The little boy in the back seat with his own mother was extremely nervous. when he started hyperventilating, the pilot, his mother, and father look the direction he's looking and see an out of control plane which hits them and they go down. Sara, (Jessica Lowndes), who is now older, received her pilot's license and is planning on flying her and her friends to a concert instead of driving there like she told her father, a colonel who worries about her flying thinking the same thing will happen to her like it did to her mother. Sara is looking a photos of her late mother and her passengers (showing the little boy of the family in the first scene)on her last flight before the accident resulting her death.

Sara meets her two friends, Sal (Jake Weary)and Mel (Julianna Guill), who are shown to be dating, at the airport. Sara's cousin Cory (Ryan Donowho)arrives moments before Sara does and talks with Mel showing he has feelings for her. Sara has invited the guy she has been dating Bruce Parker (Landon Liboiron). When he arrives, he seems nervous and unwilling to get on the plane, but he does. When they take flight, Bruce is shown as extremely nervous and worried while everyone else is calm, and excited. It is shown that a nail on the tail of the plane is coming loose. Sara kiddingly lets Bruce fly the plane when Sal finds out Bruce brought the comic book Sara got him as a gift and demands for him to hand it over. Sara says his hands are tied and puts them on the wheel. They hit some turbulence and Bruce looses control and pulls the wheel back hard which causes them to fly upward. The loose nail has fallen off and jammed something on the tail. Meanwhile, Sara tries to gain control of the plane and Cory gives Bruce his comic book back but after Sal ripped out a page to taunt him.

Later, they fly into a dark storm and looses signal so they are unable to contact anyone for help. Sara informs everyone that the elevator in the tail is jammed so they will continue to fly up. without control of the plane, it wouldn't be long before they run out of air or crash into a mountain. Sara sees that the fuel tank is low and they'll only have less than an hour to figure things out. Bruce has a panic attack but Sal, being a wrestler, puts him to sleep from a choke hold. they tie him up and continue to think. Sara says the only way is to have someone go to the tail of the plane and unjam it manually. Mel gets a headache due to lack of air because of their altitude. Cory says he'll go out onto the tail because he's been a free climber for years. Everyone is reluctant for him to go except Sal. Cory brought his climbing gear so he takes out his rope and tells Sal to tie it to something. Cory questions his knot tying and Sal gets frustrated and wraps the rope around himself. Before Cory jumps out of the plane, Mel kisses him and he tells her he'll be fine as long as she keeps him right. with some obstacles, he makes it to the tail and unjams it. on his way back, Sal tries hard to pull Cory back and tells Mel to put her camera away and help. just as that happens,you see Bruce twitching as if he was having a bad dream and Sal sees the horrifying thing he saw earlier when they were getting rid of any unneeded weight. He looses control of the rope and is pulled out of the plane. He tries to get back in while the other end of the rope is tied to a handle on the inside of the plane. He takes out his pocket knife and begins to cut the rope. Cory has flown away after Sal gets back in. Everyone is in shock especially Sara. She begins to cry while Sal tries to tell her what he saw. Mel cries over the rope which has been cut. Bruce wakes up and sees that he's tied up and asks what happened and where Cory was. Mel yells at Sal and says he killed him because the rope didn't break, but it was cut. Sal yells at her about her "boyfriend" and for her accusing him of killing someone. Bruce asks what happened to him and Sara tells him he fixed the tail and Sal said something grabbed him. Sal said there was a monster out there. Bruce asks when he'll be untied and Sara responds saying when they can trust him again. He says he can be trusted but Sara says that he completely lost if and he lied to her about his parents' death so she couldn't trust him. She tells Mel to watch out for anything while she goes in the back to talk with Bruce. He tells her about his parents' death saying that he was in the plane when her mother died. We now know that he was the little boy and the passengers were his parents. He tells her that "they pulled me out of that lake with half my bones broken." Sara asks him if he was the Taylor's kid and he says yes. Sal says he thought his last name was Parker which Bruce says is his foster parents' last name



Dated Released : 1 October 2010
Quality : PPV XViD-T0XiC
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Danielle Harris, Kane Hodder and Tony Todd
Genre : Action | Comedy | Horror | Thriller
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Picking up immediately where the first film ended, Marybeth (Danielle Harris) is attacked by Victor Crowley (Kane Hodder), but manages to escape. Jack Cracker (John Carl Buechler) finds her and pulls her out of the river, and takes her back to his cabin. After finding out her last name, he forces her to leave, telling her that if she wants help, she needs to see Reverend Zombie (Tony Todd). Moments after she leaves Jack is killed by Victor Crowley. Marybeth returns to Reverend Zombie's shop, and after demanding to speak with him, he reluctantly lets her in. After learning her last name, he tells her that her father was one of the boys responsible for causing the fire that killed Victor Crowley. He also tells her that Thomas, Victor's father, had an affair with his wife, Shyann's nurse, after Shyann was diagnosed with stomach cancer. Moments before dying, Shyann places a curse on the child conceived by Lena from the affair. Lena dies after giving birth to the deformed Victor Crowley. After Victor is killed in the fire, Thomas confronts the three boys responsible. Both they and their parents deny it. Thomas becomes a shut-in and eventually dies.

Marybeth tells him she wants to go back and retrieve the remains of her father and brother. He agrees, but tells her she must bring a family member with her. After she leaves, Zombie calls Justin (Parry Shen) and tells him his brother Shawn, the tour guide who was murdered the night before, never came back with the boat. He lies and says they are going into the swamp to find Shawn and the boat. He tells Justin to gather a group of hunters and a man named Trent (R.A. Mihailoff) to go with them. Marybeth returns home, where her uncle Bob (Tom Holland) later shows up. He tells her she needs to stay away from Reverend Zombie, but reluctantly goes with her to a recruitment meeting in Zombie's shop. Zombie tells the hunters that he will pay them $500 dollars each to retrieve his boat and $5,000 dollars for the head of Victor Crowley. He tells Trent that he will pay him double to go, and Trent agrees. The hunters leave and go into the swamp, including Marybeth and her uncle.

They find the boat and as the rest leave two of the hunters (Colton Dunn & Rick McCallum) stay by the boat. The others split up to find Victor. Marybeth, Zombie, Justin, Bob, and Trent go looking by Crowley's shed for the bodies. Along the way Zombie tells Justin that Trent, Bob and Marybeth's father were the kids who started the fire that killed Victor. He says that once Crowley kills Bob and Trent, his soul will leave the swamp. After finding the bodies in the shed, they check the main cabin. Meanwhile, the rest of the hunting party are killed off by Crowley. While searching the cabin, they hear Victor outside. While hiding, Justin tells Marybeth of Zombie's plot to get her uncle and Trent killed. She runs to warn Bob but Justin jams the door shut with a chair. Victor turns up behind him and kills him. Bob and the others attempt to get into the room. Victor breaks down the door, and Marybeth attempts to attack him but is tossed against the wall. Trent attempts to fight him, but is killed. Zombie grabs Marybeth and drags her out of the house against her will and traps Bob inside with Victor. Marybeth screams as she hears Bob murdered by Victor inside. She falls to the ground crying and Zombie declares Victor Crowley dead. Marybeth says she will go to the police. Zombie tells her she is wrong as he points his gun at her head. She tells him Bob wasn't her real uncle. Her father's brother died of leukemia when she was twelve. Victor breaks through the wall of the cabin and goes after Zombie, and kills him. Marybeth attacks Victor with a hatchet, knocking him to the ground and strike him repeatedly with the hatchet. She stops and walks off just as Victor's hand twitches. Marybeth returns and stands over him with a shotgun, yells "Fuck You!" and fires the gun into his head.


Dated Released : 1985
Quality : VCDRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Abdurachman Saleh, Ricca Rachim, W.D.Mochtar
Genre : Drama | Sejarah
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Sunan Gunung Jati alias Syarif Hidayatullah (Abdurachman Saleh) cucu Prabu Siliwangi sejak kecil bermukin di Mesir bersama orangtuanya. Ibunya berharap, agar ia bisa mengabdikan diri untuk syiar agama di tanah kelahirannya, Cirebon. Berbagai mujizat untuk menolong rakyat Cirebon dilakukannya, sambil meyakinkan adanya suatu kepercayaan pada Allah. Kemudian ia diangkat sebagai Tumenggung. Pada posisi ini ia terpaksa berhadapan dengan Raja Cakraningrat (Yan Bastian) dari kerajaan Galuh. Sunan tak mau lagi memberi upeti, perangpun terjadi. Sunan mendapat bantuan dari Sultan Demak, Trenggono. Karena Cakraningrat tak dapat dikalahkan, Sunan mengutus Nyimas Gandasari (Ricca Rachim) muridnya untuk mencuri jimat kesaktian Cakraningrat. Maka kesaktian Sunan mengakhiri perang.


Dated Released : 7 December 2006
Quality : VCDRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Bunga Citra Lestari, Ben Joshua, Richard K
Genre : Drama
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Setelah lima belas tahun tidak menerima kabar, Jeamy menerima berita terbaru soal teman masa kecilnya, Nina. Kabar itu ia peroleh dari sang ibu dan kemudian dipertegas dengan kartu undangan pernikahan dari Nina yang mengundang Jeamy untuk datang ke hari pernikahannya.

Nina adalah teman baik sekaligus tetangga terdekat Jeamy. Sejak bayi, mereka telah "ditakdirkan" untuk bersahabat. Saat Jeamy dimusuhi dan dilecehkan teman-teman prianya pada masa sekolah dasar, Nina selalu ada di dekatnya. Hal ini semakin membuat Jeamy suka melakukan permainan khas anak-anak perempuan dengan Nina. Mulai dari main karet hingga masak-masakan.

Tatkala hubungan Jeamy dengan teman-teman prianya berangsur membaik, seiring itu pula, pertemanannya dengan Nina mulai memburuk. Klimaknya, satu hari, Jeamy harus membuktikan kepada teman-teman prianya bahwa ia betul-betul pria dan mau menempuh resiko untuk menyakiti Nina dengan menggunting karet permainan Nina saat Nina dan teman-temannya menikmati permainan tersebut.

Tak lama setelah peristiwa tersebut, Nina dan keluarga pindah rumah dan pergi meninggalkan Jeamy. Sejak itu pula, Jeamy tak lagi mendengar kabar Nina sekaligus tak sempat minta maaf pada Nina atas perbuatan yang pernah menyakiti hati Nina.


Date Released : 22 Nopember 2007
Kualitas : DVDRip
Lihat : Trailer
Info :
Pemain : Tora Sudiro, Sandra Dewi, Aming Sughandi
Genre : Komedi
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Film ini bercerita tentang Jojo (Tora Sudiro), seorang anak muda yang terjebak dalam kerasnya kehidupan di Jakarta. Setelah mencoba peruntungan dengan bekerja di berbagai profesi, mulai dari office boy di sebuah toko perbelanjaan sampai akhirnya terdampar menjadi pegawai di tempat tambal ban.

Dari situlah ia kemudian bertemu dengan seorang pria tua kaya raya yang memiliki perusahaan bergerak di bidang jasa male escort alias gigolo. Untuk menghindari serangan dari kelompok religius, lelaki tua ini menjalankan bisnisnya dengan kedok pizza delivery service yang diberi nama QUICKIE EXPRESS.

Jojo bergabung bersama dua orang teman yang juga "anak baru" di Quickie Express, yaitu Marley (Aming) dan Piktor (Lukman Sardi). Dengan tampang dan keunikan mereka, tak lama kemudian mereka langsung menduduki posisi tinggi di perusahaan escort ini. Hidup mereka jauh lebih baik dan ternyata mereka menikmati pekerjaan mudah dan berkelas ini yang juga menghasilkan cukup banyak uang

Namun, kebahagiaan terusik saat Jojo jatuh cinta pada seorang mahasiswi bernama Lila (Sandra Dewi). Pasalnya, Lila adalah anak seorang tante pelanggan spesial Jojo. Tak hanya itu, ayah sang gadis ternyata seorang gangster gay yang juga punya hati terhadap Jojo.


Date Released : 19 June 2008
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Lihat : trailer
Pemain : Ladya Cheryll, Doni Alamsyah
Genre : Thriller
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Ladya Cheryl atau Alyssa merupakan anak seorang jenderal yang suka main perempuan. Suatu ketika Alyssa bertemu dengan seorang pemuda yang membuatnya tertarik dan terobsesi setengah mati kepada pemuda tersebut sampai kabur secara halus dari rumah, dan pindah ke suatu kamar yang tepat berada di sebelah kamar pemuda tersebut, di rumah susun. Ternyata si pemuda ini tinggal bersama seorang wanita yang merupakan partners in crime.

Alyssa mulai aneh dan menjadi psikopat, sejak si pemuda tersebut mengajak dia keliling rumah susun dan menunjukkan tulisannya yang diharapkan sekali akan jadi salah satu new york times best seller, dia mulai 'membunuh' orang" di rumah susun itu dengan cara yang sangat halus

Senin, 03 Januari 2011


Dated Released : 2010
Quality : BRRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Jessica Lowndes, Julianna Guill, Ryan Donowho
Genre : Horror | Mystery | Sci-Fi | Thriller
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The movie starts off with a scene of a family on a small plane talking to the pilot (later announced as Sara's mother.)The little boy in the back seat with his own mother was extremely nervous. when he started hyperventilating, the pilot, his mother, and father look the direction he's looking and see an out of control plane which hits them and they go down. Sara, (Jessica Lowndes), who is now older, received her pilot's license and is planning on flying her and her friends to a concert instead of driving there like she told her father, a colonel who worries about her flying thinking the same thing will happen to her like it did to her mother. Sara is looking a photos of her late mother and her passengers (showing the little boy of the family in the first scene)on her last flight before the accident resulting her death.

Sara meets her two friends, Sal (Jake Weary)and Mel (Julianna Guill), who are shown to be dating, at the airport. Sara's cousin Cory (Ryan Donowho)arrives moments before Sara does and talks with Mel showing he has feelings for her. Sara has invited the guy she has been dating Bruce Parker (Landon Liboiron). When he arrives, he seems nervous and unwilling to get on the plane, but he does. When they take flight, Bruce is shown as extremely nervous and worried while everyone else is calm, and excited. It is shown that a nail on the tail of the plane is coming loose. Sara kiddingly lets Bruce fly the plane when Sal finds out Bruce brought the comic book Sara got him as a gift and demands for him to hand it over. Sara says his hands are tied and puts them on the wheel. They hit some turbulence and Bruce looses control and pulls the wheel back hard which causes them to fly upward. The loose nail has fallen off and jammed something on the tail. Meanwhile, Sara tries to gain control of the plane and Cory gives Bruce his comic book back but after Sal ripped out a page to taunt him.

Later, they fly into a dark storm and looses signal so they are unable to contact anyone for help. Sara informs everyone that the elevator in the tail is jammed so they will continue to fly up. without control of the plane, it wouldn't be long before they run out of air or crash into a mountain. Sara sees that the fuel tank is low and they'll only have less than an hour to figure things out. Bruce has a panic attack but Sal, being a wrestler, puts him to sleep from a choke hold. they tie him up and continue to think. Sara says the only way is to have someone go to the tail of the plane and unjam it manually. Mel gets a headache due to lack of air because of their altitude. Cory says he'll go out onto the tail because he's been a free climber for years. Everyone is reluctant for him to go except Sal. Cory brought his climbing gear so he takes out his rope and tells Sal to tie it to something. Cory questions his knot tying and Sal gets frustrated and wraps the rope around himself. Before Cory jumps out of the plane, Mel kisses him and he tells her he'll be fine as long as she keeps him right. with some obstacles, he makes it to the tail and unjams it. on his way back, Sal tries hard to pull Cory back and tells Mel to put her camera away and help. just as that happens,you see Bruce twitching as if he was having a bad dream and Sal sees the horrifying thing he saw earlier when they were getting rid of any unneeded weight. He looses control of the rope and is pulled out of the plane. He tries to get back in while the other end of the rope is tied to a handle on the inside of the plane. He takes out his pocket knife and begins to cut the rope. Cory has flown away after Sal gets back in. Everyone is in shock especially Sara. She begins to cry while Sal tries to tell her what he saw. Mel cries over the rope which has been cut. Bruce wakes up and sees that he's tied up and asks what happened and where Cory was. Mel yells at Sal and says he killed him because the rope didn't break, but it was cut. Sal yells at her about her "boyfriend" and for her accusing him of killing someone. Bruce asks what happened to him and Sara tells him he fixed the tail and Sal said something grabbed him. Sal said there was a monster out there. Bruce asks when he'll be untied and Sara responds saying when they can trust him again. He says he can be trusted but Sara says that he completely lost if and he lied to her about his parents' death so she couldn't trust him. She tells Mel to watch out for anything while she goes in the back to talk with Bruce. He tells her about his parents' death saying that he was in the plane when her mother died. We now know that he was the little boy and the passengers were his parents. He tells her that "they pulled me out of that lake with half my bones broken." Sara asks him if he was the Taylor's kid and he says yes. Sal says he thought his last name was Parker which Bruce says is his foster parents' last name



Dated Released : 6 Desember 2010
Quality : DVDRip XviD-WBZ
Runtime : 30.19 mn
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Mike Myers | Eddie Murphy
Genre : Animation

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part1 - part2 - part3 - part4 - part5 - part6 - part7


Dated Released : 29 September 2010
Quality : BRRip 1280*536
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Jim Sturgess, Hugo Weaving, David Wenham
Genre : Animation | Adventure | Fantasy
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[DVDRip Speed|375MB-avi]|mkys|
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Buat Soren (Jim Sturgess), mendengarkan kisah legendaris yang dituturkan ayahnya adalah sesuatu yang tak pernah membosankan. Legenda The Guardians yang melindungi para burung hantu dari ras Pure Ones yang ingin berkuasa selalu menjadi sumber inspirasi Soren yang ingin bisa menjadi salah satu The Guardians. Soren memang tak pernah tahu kalau apa yang ia harapkan ini bakal jadi kenyataan. Tapi tentu saja untuk bisa mewujudkan impian itu Soren harus berjuang sekuat tenaga.

Berbeda dengan Soren, Kludd (Ryan Kwanten), saudaranya sama sekali tak tertarik dengan kisah kepahlawanan ini. Buat Kludd kisah legenda ini hanyalah mimpi belaka. Suatu ketika, saat mereka saling dorong di atas sarang merek di atas pohon, Soren dan Kludd ditangkap oleh pasukan Pure Ones yang dipimpin oleh Metalbeak (Joel Edgerton) dan Nyra (Helen Mirren).

Soren dan Kludd dibawa ke tempat pelatihan para burung hantu yang akan dijadikan tentara untuk melawan The Guardians. Dengan bantuan Gylfie (Emily Barclay), Soren berhasil meloloskan diri dan berangkat menuju Great Ga'Hoole Tree, tempat persembunyian The Guardians. Dalam perjalanan mereka bertemu Twilight (Anthony LaPaglia), Digger (David Wenham), dan Mrs. Plithiver (Miriam Margolyes) dan berangkat bersama menuju Great Ga'Hoole Tree. Di saat yang sama Kludd ternyata berhasil dibujuk untuk bergabung dengan prajurit Pure Ones dan melawan The Guardians.